Digital Transformation And Business Innovation | Bring The Best Out Of Your Business

digital transformation and business innovation

Digital transformation is not new to the business world. It has helped organizations stay at the forefront of innovation and deliver significant value to customers.

digital transformation and business innovation

The global pandemic has taken digital transformation agendas to the next level. More businesses are willing to digitize their operations for enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction. But what is digital transformation? And how will it affect your business? Let’s understand first.

What is Digital Transformation and Why is it Important?

Digital transformation is the integration of advanced technologies to change the ways of working and business operating models. It fosters innovation, collaboration, and growth across all business areas while streamlining processes, optimizing operations, and transforming business at a fundamental level.

Transforming your business digitally goes beyond starting a website or having a social media presence. It is a cultural change that encourages organizations to challenge their status quo and walk away from traditional business processes.

Indeed, there’s hardly any industry or sector that has remained untouched by the wrath of the COVID-19 outbreak. Digital transformation provides your business with continuity, clarity, flexibility, knowledge transfer, and the ability to respond to demand at scale.

Independent research states that significant investments in digital transformation are about to reach a whopping $7 trillion by 2023 with a CAGR of 18%. This means that most businesses either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working on one.

While each company and its digital transformation is unique, here are some noteworthy examples of digital transformation to give you a better idea.

Adopting disrupting technologies like Cloud, AI/ML, IoT, Big data, AR/VR, Metaverse, etc., helps businesses identify and deliver measurable outcomes. With digital transformation, companies can disrupt existing operating models, deliver more value to customers, partners, and stakeholders, build resilience and achieve a competitive edge. The benefits of digital transformation go beyond the ones we have already discussed.

What are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?

Digital business transformation has become more than necessary to stand out and create a niche in your respective sector. Let’s look at some of the major benefits it has to offer.

Realizing the potential and benefits, various businesses from different industries are embracing digital transformation and making progress in modernizing their systems.

How are Different Industries Approaching Digital Transformation?

Industries are getting unparalleled opportunities for innovation and value creation. They are adopting a dedicated digital transformation model to achieve desired business objectives and expand their reach. Here are a few industries and how they are embracing digital business transformation.

Although only about 30% of companies can implement digital transformation successfully and reap its rewards. They face several challenges when undergoing a digital transformation. Let’s see those challenges in detail.

Challenges that Businesses Face While Implementing Digital Transformation

Companies adopting digital transformation are likely to enjoy more efficiency and better customer satisfaction. However, there are some challenges you might face while doing so. Here are a few of them to help you out.

Transforming your business processes, systems, operating models, and other use cases takes time. To flip the odds of success in your digital transformation journey, you need a way to organize each step, strategy, time estimate, and resources. That’s possible with a proven digital transformation roadmap.

Once you have a reliable roadmap in place, you can create a transparent consensus to go ahead further and achieve set outcomes while breaking the team silos. Let’s see how you can start with an ideal road-mapping process and create a high-level view of your digital transformation journey.

How to Create a Robust Digital Transformation Roadmap

Here’s a step-by-step road-mapping process in order to help you achieve your goals of embracing digital transformation at scale.

Step 1 Define Your Vision, Mission, and Key Objectives

The first step to consider before starting your digital transformation journey is to analyze the existing state of your organization, mission, vision, key values, processes, and people. After a detailed analysis, you need to plot the course of action with a well-defined vision, values, and end goals.

Step 2 Onboard the Right People

The next step is to change the company’s point of view. A successful digital transformation cannot take place if you lack the required talent. Therefore, you need to hire the right people and map out every area of improvement. You should identify and hire digital transformation consultants who are competent enough to understand your business objectives in particular.

Step 3 Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

You need to set a series of qualitative and quantitative metrics along with important KPIs to enable real-time visualization of tasks, gauge progress, and improve productivity. Make sure these metrics and performance indicators are based on specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based (SMART) criteria.

Step 4 Break Down the Process

When your KPIs are set, you need to break down the process into smaller, individual categories. You can incorporate agile practices for the same. This will help you assign resources to each category and give you enough visibility to optimize time and overall capital throughout the staging.

Step 5 Prioritize Accountability

Along with time and capital, you need to give ownership of each category to the key stakeholders of your organization or digital transformation technology partner to establish accountability. Make sure they get all the needed support and assistance to work on core competencies and focus on more pressing areas.

Step 6 Feedback and Analysis

Last but not least, make enough room to gather post-implementation feedback and evaluate the efforts of your stakeholders and team members. Identify the loopholes or shortcomings, if any, and make changes or modify your roadmap by exploring new ideas, practices, and technologies.

Furthermore, a successful transformation roadmap is incomplete without essential components of digital transformation. Let’s go through them one by one.

Key Components Of Digital Transformation
1 People

Make sure your digital transformation initiatives are centered around employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

2 Data

Eliminate pain points for all your stakeholders with dedicated data-driven integration and analysis followed by meaningful interpretations.

3 Leadership

Digital transformation requires leadership that represents agility with risk-taking capabilities, forward-thinking, experimentation, and more.

4 Action

Make your digital business transformation roadmap future-ready by managing cultural change and process optimization beforehand.

5 Technology

Identifying and implementing the best-suited technologies is really important to avoid obsoleteness and stay updated.

6 Results

Take initial results into account and plan long-term strategies to scale your digital transformation and fulfill new agendas as your business grows.

In a Nutshell,

Digital business transformation has opened doors for increased transparency and opportunities. It simplifies the processes and makes achieving goals easier. Increased efficiency, better collaboration, streamlined operations, and clarity lead to enhanced profits and improved customer satisfaction. So, if you haven’t embraced digital transformation, this is the right time to get started. Leverage our digital transformation services and accelerate your journey with the help of our experts. Connect with them now.

Author's Bio

Nitin Lahoti

Nitin Lahoti is the Co-Founder and Director at Mobisoft Infotech. He has 15 years of experience in Design, Business Development and Startups. His expertise is in Product Ideation, UX/UI design, Startup consulting and mentoring. He prefers business readings and loves traveling.

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