55 million opportunities to make new iPad Apps

Apple CEO Tim Cook on the 55 million iPads sold to date:

This 55 is something no one would have guessed. Including us. To put it in context, it took us 22 years to sell 55 million Macs. It took us about 5 years to sell 22 million iPods, and it took us about 3 years to sell that many iPhones. And so, this thing is, as you said, it’s on a trajectory that’s off the charts.

(source : asymco)

In the Desktop Software Market, for years there have been companies (like Panic) which thrived by creating Mac only software.

If we take the quote by the Apple CEO into presepective, then it becomes plain how big an opportunity this means for software companies who have great ideas for making iPad apps.

Despite of many apprehensions, iPad has proved that it is a device of promise and it has become something that many of us use daily. Each day people open their laptops less and less because iPad is doing more. Still there are many categories of desktop apps, where iPad equivalents are not present or are not as great.

This presents a great opportunity for enterprising and imaginative souls who can come up with innovative ideas for iPad Apps.

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