Meaningful Mobility Solutions

The world of technology is a far cry from fad as it is not dominated by trends. Trends take the shape of increased customization, greater efficiency and ease-to-use to eclipse the precedent/ previous generation.

With the many hot or not trends making rounds; new launches ranging from NASA’s dexterous surrogate robot, Internet of Things, Mobile Madness and the many svelte gadgets, here is a quick recap of our in-house updates and information we share with readers on a regular basis. The topics may not make the biggest noise, but yes they are important for people associated with mobility and its bountiful dimensions. Let’s take a look.

We aim to develop a swift and secure system to help bridge the gap between the government and people with ease and convenience. We aspire to attain this feat by making citizens aware of being the true contributors of all the government affairs. Today’s amazing mix of cloud computing, ever-smarter mobile devices, and collaboration tools is […]

Beta App testing using Testflight has made it easier to invite users for testing your iOS app before it hits the App Store. (Up to 1000 users/ external testers can be invited with the help of their email address) Preparing your app for its release becomes easy through this mechanism through the many updates and feedback that come your way. Let’s get to know how this works […]

Designing any product or App involves analysis and consideration of many factors, including Aesthetics, Technical specs, Functional specs, Industry standards, and Cost. Before the final production begins a product needs to go through a series of phases in order to assure consistency and attain the desired success. The design process for an App is divided into two main sections […]

An iOS developer has to use multiple codes that are made by others. However, it is not easy to implement everything right from scratch. CocoaPods, a dependency management tool, is one of the best options to incorporate that can help ease your work. It resolves dependencies between libraries, […]

If iOS 7 set the standards high by creating one of the finest operating system, iOS 8 took forward the experience in the best possible manner offering immaculate features to users. One of it is ‘Interactive Notifications’. Interactive Notification allows user to take action on Notification from
Locked Screen, Banner & Notification Center. Let’s see one by one how it looks. […]

Apache Tomcat is one of the most popular Java application Servers in the world.
It is lightweight, starts in seconds, is flexible and supports numerous hot deployment options.
If you are going to use apache tomcat for java EE project deployment, then you should always follow these guidelines […]

If you want to publish an app on Google play store, you need a publisher account. To sign up as a publisher follow the steps […]

Glass supports three design patterns which help build the timeline of the app. Live cards, static cards and immersions are the three UI patterns to build a Glass app. Designing an app for Google Glass is the first challenge one encounters while building an app. Fitting the design in the set size along with the important information from the user’s perspective needs some serious thinking. The app for Glass shows […]

Light UI for Designers

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