Mobisoft Infotech Newsletter April 2015

Mobisoft Infotech Newsletter April-2015

Mobisoft is an official Associate Member of GHSA (Governors Highway Safety Association), USA. We earnestly look forward to providing strategic road safety, traffic management solutions as well as consulting.

Mobisoft Infotech Newsletter April-2015

Apple has stepped up to contribute towards health innovation with ResearchKit, a brand new open source tool which helps iPhone owners volunteer to join medical research studies. Users can sign up for detailed studies, undergo medical tests, describe symptoms and send their respective data to researchers.

Mobisoft takes cardiac wellness a step further as we forge strong ties with Rice University research group to create an application for customers to accurately track and gauge heart health. With Apple’s brand new open source tool ResearchKit and HealthKit framework, Mobisoft developed successful Android and iPhone app along with marketing and monetizing the application.

With MuniApp, customers can report water meter malfunctions, water line breaks, leaks, wasteful usage and request for assistance in a direct and effective way. It displays water usage per day, week or month; informs consumption notices, usage restrictions and more!

Push notifications are the messages sent by mobile apps to your device and have a variety of benefits to offer in terms of user engagement and attracting traffic. Let’s take a look at the benefits of push notifications, the best ways to use them and some creative ways to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

Whether you are a tourist shopping for souvenirs at Paris or you’re indulging in fine retail therapy, you can finally bid goodbye to pulling out your wallet, remembering multiple pass codes and swiping credit cards. The future of mobile payments is finally here with Apple Pay, which requires just a tap of your thumb at checkout to pay for any purchase.

Automation Testing is more or less a matter of choice for many firms as there are a lot of constraints that come along with the decision. Here are a few pointers to consider that can help you decide on whether to automate or not to automate testing for your mobile app.

Your app represents your brand and shouldn’t be merely treated as the extension of your website. If you are looking at further engaging your users, or about to release your app on the App Store – read on to know how to add value to your app and keep your users engaged.

Times are changing! Leading mobile app developers are switching to a better way to build apps using Xamarin, the new standard of enterprise mobile development created for cross-platform mobile development which saves on development and maintenance costs!

Start-ups can fail. But they can be prevented too – Lean Startup provides a different approach to managing startups and ensuring the product reaches customers’ hands faster. The goal is to build the right thing which the consumers want and sell it as quickly as possible.

Some say yes, some say maybe. The market is already full of innovative health tracking devices – but the Apple Watch promises a cooler way to use them. Would it be just a swanky fashion accessory or a daily activity monitoring device or just another gadget to receive a text and call notifications and check email?

Saturation of tasks can prove to be overwhelming, making you frantic as the pressure builds with every passing day. Becoming your Best is the perfect answer to most of your worries as it’s the world’s first all-in-one organizer that includes, calendar, to-do list, notes, planner, and goal tracker. Get more out of life!

Apple Watch is geared up to deliver innovative experiences on your wrists very soon! But is it expensive or is it expensive? Take a look at the lighter side!

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