Highway Safety Solutions
We are proud to be member of GHSA (Governors Highway Safety Association), a nonprofit group, to address behavioral highway safety issues. Our mission is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries and keeping America’s roadways safe by providing strategic road safety, traffic management solutions and consulting thus helping drivers, pedestrians and motorcyclists stay safe once they get behind the wheel or on the streets.

Our complete highway safety program addresses the following:
- Traffic Fatalities
- Serious Injuries
- Occupant Protection
- Speeding
- Motorcyclist
- Young Drivers
- Pedestrian Rights
- Bicyclist Rights
- Alcohol Impaired Driving Information
- Drug-Impaired Driving Information
- Distracted Driving
We build safety solutions leveraging mobility and cloud technologies to provide awareness, education and enforcement solutions for highway safety. Click Here to know more.
Corporate Communication Solutions
Say goodbye to disconnected employees with Mobisoft’s mobile app based solution for internal employee communications strategy. Take a look at how the usage of apps as part of your internal communications strategy provides a wide range of benefits:
- Ability to include interactive content as well as easy ways for employees to find out more information
- Employee feedback on how they feel about working environment
- Accurate insights on how many people in the company have viewed the latest corporate announcements and engaging with latest updates
Find out more on how important information and content reaches out to employees no matter where they’re located with the help of the mobile app based solution!
Mobility Solutions for Oil and Gas
We at Mobisoft understand the critical challenges faced by upstream oil and gas companies and provide enterprise mobility solutions delivering on-demand intelligence, improvised real time information flow which would all lead to a boost in the field force productivity. Our solutions include:
- Safety and Regulatory Compliance
- Inspections, condition monitoring and Assessment
- Sales-Force Enablement
- Workforce Management and Field-Force Enablement
- Electronic Logbook
- GPS and GIS Tracking
- Training App for remote workforce
- Employee communication solution
Click here to know more on how at Mobisoft provide enterprises with a mobile strategy and enterprise apps that will not only streamline workflows but also improve process efficiencies, leading to an ROI boost.
New Service Announcement: Parse
Parse is one of the easiest and fastest backend service providers for your app. Cut down on costs and leverage your app with the power of cloud with Parse App Development. Find out more
Switch to a cost effective Mobile App Development approach for Enterprises
Now there’s no need to pick and choose between the major mobile app development platforms anymore! Being full-fledged experts at developing cross-platform mobile applications for the big three platforms – iOS, Android and Windows, our developers at Mobisoft have switched to a better and cost-effective way to build, monitor and test apps.
Latest News!
Mobisoft is an official member of the Greater Houston Partnership – Houston’s most influential business organization specifically aimed at providing an incredible platform for businesses of all sizes to grow their company and make Houston the best place to live, work and build a business.
SensoDx – A medical micro-device company that specializes in the commercialization of powerful, yet affordable, chip-based diagnostic devices that are suitable for a broad range of essential clinical applications. The current SensoDx disease diagnostic portfolio encompasses cardiac heart disease, oral cancer, trauma, drugs of abuse, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
Mobisoft is a proud partner of SensoDx to build integrated solutions across platforms leveraging mobile and cloud technologies.