Sure, there is an Urban dictionary for slang, but if you want to start with mobile application development then you might find some terms confusing. Well, don’t worry here’s a mobile app development glossary to help you out.

Word and Definition
Bits refer to storage size. 64-bit is twice as many ‘bits’ as 32-bit. The main difference between 32-bit and 64-bit is that the 32-bit processor are capable of handling a limited amount of RAM, while 64-bit are capable of using much more.
Accelerometer is the device that measure acceleration, which is rate of change of the velocity of an object. They are useful for sensing vibrations in the systems. Accelerometer determine surroundings of an object. For example, smartphones rotate their display between portrait and landscape mode depending on how you tilt the phone.
Also known as App bar, action bar includes some interactive elements, it has access to some important action such as search, support navigation and includes drop-down list.
While navigating in and out of the app, the activity instances in your app transition between different apps in their lifecycle are their activity lifecycle.
Ad network mediation allows developers to integrate multiple ad platforms and manage them through dashboard. Developers can change the percentage of ads served from each platform to maximize the ad revenue. They can also prefer different ad platforms based on country or other customizable parameters.
It is any software application in which advertising banners are displayed in middle of the running program. The advertisement may appear during user interface on software or it is shown during the installation process.
Air Play is developed by Apple. Air Play lets you connect wirelessly what’s on your iOS device to your HDTV and Speakers via Apple TV. You can stream music, videos and photos.
It is a mobile printing solution in Apple SO X and iOS operating systems for printing via a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) to AirPrint compatible printers or non-compatible printers.
Fragments represent components of user interface in Android. It is a part of activity which enable more modular activity design. By combining multiple fragments in single activity multi-pane user interface can be build.
It is an API for scheduling various types of jobs or background task in the application’s own process. When application uploads user data that is not time sensitive or application can download information that is not urgent, in such a situation JobScheduler van help.
It is a toolset that enable you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++. It can help you reuse existing code libraries written in those languages.
Android Operating System (OS) is Linux-based platform by Google. End user can download applications with help of Android platform.
Android pay allows users to pay through their smartphones at any retail store that accepts any contactless payment. Android pay also lets you make in-app purchases. Android pay works only on Android devices that have an NFC chip.
APK Signing is done in order to upload compiled Android file (apk). The app can be signed in debug mode during development and release mode when the app is ready to be distributed.
It shows how user interact with an app. It includes series of connected in-app activities that lead to the ultimate action.
Every app deployed to the App Engine is identified by the Application ID and its version. Application ID for Android can be obtained from Google Developers Console, while Application ID for iOS can be created only in iOS developer portal.
It is restructuring of existing computer code without changing its intended function, it is done to improve its performance, it improves support for multiple mobile platform. The main purpose of refactoring the code is to make it modular and easier to maintain.
They provide guidelines and resources that outlines the technical, design and content used to review apps submitted by App store and Mac Store.
App Store Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app. It involves selecting keywords, achieving high user reviews. Increased visibility translates into more traffic in an app.
App update happens when developer offers new features in an app or change the look or design of an app. It keeps the content fresh and up-to-date. Whenever an app installed on your phone gets update, you will be notified.
App widgets is a small window or controller of an Android app that can be embedded in another application (such as the home screen). They allow user to control or use an app without actually launching it.
It allows mobile application administrator to set policy elements for application or group of applications. It includes things such as whether or not user authentication is required for particular app, whether copy and paste or file sharing options should be provided to the user.
When you want to release an iPhone app or a Mac app through Apple’s App Store, you need to register for Apple’s developer program. Apple Developer Accounts come in 2 flavors. 1. Regular developer account: This is used to distribute the consumer apps via AppStore. You can sell Virtual Goods as In App Purchases in a regular consumable app. 2. Enterprise Developer Account: If you are making an app which will be used only by the employees of your company and you don’t want the app to be available to common people via AppStore then you need to get an Enterprise Developer Account. Since enterprise apps are supposed to be used by the employees of a company, In App Purchases are not available to apps distributed via and Enterprise Developer Account.
Also known as iPhone OS is the mobile operating system developed by Apple.
Apple Passbook has potential to replace our wallets. Passbook is the location based service, when you buy any service from any iOS app, you will be given an option to add that service in your passbook. Now when you are close to the area where you need to use the service, you will be automatically notified by the passbook on your home screen.
It is a payment and digital wallet service by Apple to make payments. It lets mobile device make payments at contactless point of sale and in iOS apps. Apple device wirelessly communicates with point of sale systems using a near field communication antenna.
They are the collection of graphics, these icons have consistent color palette, have geometric shapes in big and small sizes. They are used for programs and applications like Android, iOS and Windows.
It is a framework for managing IT software applications and software-based services. It provides information on application’s age, how often it is used, cost to maintain application and its relation with other applications. These things help manager to decide on whether to keep the application, update it or replace it.
Creating a profile provision on iOS platform for particular app. provision contains two type of elements one is the app id and second is the list of devices (the list is only required in the case of development provision and not during app store submission).
AppStore is an online portal through which software programs are made available. Apple’s AppStore is apple’s online store for purchasing and downloading the software.
Swift programming uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to track and manage application’s memory usage. ARC automatically frees up memory used by class instances when those instances are no longer in use or needed.
It is an application runtime environment used by android used by Android operating system. it comes with faster execution of application, improved memory allocation and garbage collection mechanisms.
It represents width-to-height ration of an image. it is more commonly used in mobile phone cameras.
It is a live, direct or indirect view of physical or real world whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, graphics, video or GPS data. It is integration of digital information with user’s environment in real-time.
It is used by server when server needs to know who is accessing information or site.
Auto renewable subscription is an in-app purchase for iOS that allows an app to provide content and feature for the set amount of time. Auto renewable subscription have ability to charge recurring fee over a set time period. Apple uses auto renewable subscription for newsstands and publications as they offer content on recurring basis rather than offering some additional features.
Amazon Web Service (AWS) is mobile app testing service for Android or Fire OS-based devices. To conduct the test, Developers upload their app on AWS Device Farm, configure the tests, select Android device and get the results of the test. It runs apps on actual device, this help to better simulate real world conditions.
Background services are the services that run in the background, without direct interaction with the user. These services are used for checking new data, data processing and indexing content.
It reflects all the missed calls, unread SMS, unread mails. As you go on viewing your missed calls, SMS and mails the badge count keeps on decreasing.
The iPhone uses badges to indicate new message, push notification, voicemail or email. Each app with the unread information has the number in the upper right hand corner of the app that is called badges. They warn users about unread emails, messages etc.
iBeacons and Beacons are often used interchangeably. iBeacon is the name for Apple’s technology standard which allows mobile apps to respond to the signals from beacons in the physical world.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices are designed to provide lower power consumption. This allows Android apps to connect and communicate with BLE devices such as heart rate monitor, fitness devices etc.
Bluetooth is used in printers that allow effortless and wireless printing. Bluetooth printing provides easier way to print without need of any physical connection. Some printers are Bluetooth compatible while other require adapters to connect printers to Bluetooth device.
It is a coding error in a computer program.
With the help of mobile credit card reader, you can make card payments right through your mobile phone. For example, Square, is a small box that plugs directly into audio jack, it includes slot for physical swiping of credit card, you need to download an app and with that smartphone and you will receive swiped information transmitted through sound waves into the phone.
Code-division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a technology for transmitting data. It offers single transmission channel for numerous signals.
Charts and Graphs are used to communicate messages clearly and effectively. They include pie charts, Venn diagrams, bar graphs, lone charts etc.
It is an annual percentage rate at which customers stop subscribing to a particular service.
Cloud application is the program that functions within the cloud. It has some characteristics of pure desktop app and some of pure Web app. Mobile cloud apps run on the server external to the mobile device and require use of a browser on the mobile device to display and use the app.
It manages library dependencies of your Xcode projects. The dependencies of the project are specified in the single text file called Podfile. Cocoa Pods resolve dependencies between libraries, fetch the source code and then link it in the Xcode workspace to build your project.
In-App purchase is used to sell content, in-app functionality and services. Consumable in-app product are the items that get used up over the course of running your app. For example, fish food in a fishing app could be implemented as a consumable product.
it is the standard interface that connects data in one process with the code running in another process.
It is used to manage model layer objects in the application. It allows data organized by relational entity to be serialized into XML, binary and SQLite stores.
Crash reporter often reports crash details such as types of crash, version of software and stack traces. With help of the crash details software developers diagnose and fix the problem causing the crash.
Cross platform apps are the mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows.
It is to develop mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms. It involves writing single codebase for app to be sent to many different native platforms.
Custom API Integration is process that allows program to connect and communicate with other programs. Most of the business use third party API integration to run their business operations. Developers can write custom application that integrates with third party API. Custom application includes designing of software for particular user or group of users.
It is customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for several Android devices. CyanogenMod offers various features that are not currently found in other Android versions.
It refers to locating and fixing the errors in a computer program.
Development certificate is used when developer wants to install app and test it using Xcode. Distribution certificate is required when you submit an
Device is compatible only if it can correctly run the app written for the operating system. For example, A device is ‘Android compatible’ if it can correctly run the apps written for the Android execution environment.
Device ID is a generic term used to describe the unique identifier each iOS or Android device has. On iOS this is also sometimes called as UDID.
Determining orientation is to report data indicating changes to the device in relation to the pull of gravity. For example, mobile phone use this information to rotate display as and when the device is rotated. Device orientation is sent when accelerometer detects changes to the orientation of the device.
It is an interactive system where user physically interact with the operating system offering user control. For example, resizing a graphical shape.
It is the hardware or software that enables one computer system called the host to behave like another computer system called the guest.
Encryption of data is conversion of electronic data into another form. It is done to protect digital data stored on computer system or transmitted via internet or other networks. Decryption of data is converting encoded data into the text that can be understood by the computer and normal person.
Enterprise Distribution can be done when an Apple developer enterprise program allows to develop proprietary, in-house apps that can be distributed to the employees.
Environment sensors in phone can sense temperature and air pollution and enable the phone to keep an eye on the state of the environment around you.
Some of the apps are date sensitive or their update is required to fix some bugs, in such a case Apple has enabled users to ask for an Expedited review. Apps that have permission for expedited review are first prioritized by Apple and goes through faster review process.
A simple phone used to make calls and send text messages. They do not have any advanced features such as email, GPS, internet etc.
It is one of the commonly used protocols to transfer data from one content to another through the internet.
Firebase is a real-time, scalable backend application platform. It allows developers to build rich and collaborative application using just client-side code. Applications built in Firebase remain responsive even when network connection is not available.
Fixed software programs that internally control various devices or hardware part of those devices such as mobile phones. They offer basic operations of device without which device will be non-functional.
Google keeps on upgrading Android. The updates are taken by phone manufacturers and then sent to the respective devices. But sometimes phone doesn’t get new update when it comes out. In such a situation you can force your phone to check for update using dialer and you sometime get the updates before the device normally would. But this method doesn’t always work if the update is not available for the device.
FPS is video resolution measured in time. For example, 24-30 fps is normal level for good picture quality.
It is the ratio of data received with errors to the total data received. If Frame Error Rate is high, then the connection may become poor or drop.
It is a combination of two words ‘free’ and ‘premium’. It is a model in which core product is given for free to the large group of users and premium products are sold to the smaller group of their user base. For example, Skype provides free computer to computer calling and sells all the premium products such as voicemail, worldwide connections to landline and mobile phones.
It is a concept to apply game-design elements and principles in the non-game context. It is done to engage and motivate and solve problems.
GCM is Google Cloud Messaging. It helps to send and receive from your server to user’s device. It enables developers to send notification data or information.
It is a feature in a software program that uses Global Positioning (GPS) or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to define geographical boundaries. Geofencing is used to send app users offers or messages when they enter certain range.
It is a payment service developed by Google that enables people to send and receive money from mobile device or desktop.
With Global Positioning System (GPS) Integration user can monitor location through Google, Yahoo and Baidu and other powerful GPS video monitoring platform to get real-time vehicle tracking, data inquiries, event feedback etc.
HTML5 is a framework to structure and present content on World Wide Web.
Hybrid mobile apps are developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript then Hybrid apps are hosted inside native application that provide access to native platform features such as camera, contacts, accelerometer etc.
Hybrid applications is the combination of both the native and web applications. Native applications are developed for specific platforms while web applications are developed for multiple platforms.
Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some actions on it.
In App Purchase is the term Apple uses to describe virtual goods which can be sold from an app. Here are some examples of virtual goods: coins packs (virtual currency) that you can buy in a game or a subscription to magazine. There are four types of In App Purchases that you can sell in an iPhone App: 1. Consumable In App Purchase 2. Non-Consumable In App Purchase 3. Non-renewable subscription 4. Renewable subscription
It is a Google Play service that allows you to sell digital content from inside the applications. You can sell downloadable content such as media files and photos and also virtual content such as game levels, premium services etc.
In-app subscription lets you sell features, content in your app with automated, recurring billing. It also lets you offer trial period for monthly and annual subscription.
It is a messaging object that can be used to request an action from another app component. Intent facilitates communication between components.
With Interactive Notification user can directly interact with push or local notification without opening an application. iOS8, Android and Amazon provide push notification with additional buttons that allow users to interact with notifications. With Interactive notification user can take immediate or specific action, make decisions or choices and express preferences.
Interstitial Ads are the full screen ads that cover interface of the application. They are displayed at certain points in the application, such as between activities or during pause between different levels of games etc.
IoT is Internet of Things. it is the network of physical objects like vehicles, buildings and other objects embedded with software, sensors and network connectivity that enable these objects to exchange data.
Iteration is repeating of the process. Either to generate sequence of outcomes or to achieve the desired results.
It is a process of removing software restrictions imposed by iOS on devices running it through the use of software exploits. It permits root access to iOS file system.
Java Native Interface (JNI) is programming framework for writing Java native methods and embedding Java virtual machine into native application.
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard format that uses readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs.
It is a way of measuring how well the app is meeting the business goals.
Mostly used for iOS platform. Keychain stores coded information used for various services and applications.
A common term for Launch Images is a splash screen. It’s the branding screen that is shown to the user when the app is starting. Since different generations iPhones and iPads have different screen resolutions, you need to package multiple versions of launch images in your app, each having a size that matches the resolution of the device your supports. If your app supports landscape as well as the portrait mode, you need to provide different launch images each mode for the each resolution you want to support.
Live Chat is a service that allows business or individual to communicate in real time with the visitors. It is used to provide immediate customer support.
Local notification is a local counterpart of a Push notification. To send local notification you don’t need a server. Local notification is a lot like a reminder. For example, if you are creating a ToDos app, without a server side component, you can use local notifications to remind the user of the ToDos.
It is service based information about physical location of user or device. For example, location of nearest restaurant or hotels, vehicle tracking etc.
Material design is a guide for visual, motion and interaction design across the platforms and devices.
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a security software that deals with securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices. It secures mobile devices within the enterprise. MDM is a way to ensure that employees stay productive and do not breach corporate policies.
Mobile Analytics measure full value of your app. With the help of Mobile Analytics, you can measure app usage and app revenue. For example Google analytics for mobile apps, Amazon mobile analytics, Flurry Analytics for mobile apps.
It is an application that lets you deliver your mobile application content.
An application that helps you manage, deliver and update mobile app content.
It is a web browser designed for mobile devices. Web browsers available for mobile devices include Opera and ThunderHawk.
It includes products and services that enable development of mobile applications. It supports multiple mobile device without need to generate separate code.
It is industry standard for mobile audio/video interface that allows users to connect electronic devices to the High-Definition Televisions (HDTVs) or audio receivers.
It enables mobile devices to output HD video, audio and 3D content on other external screens over existing format of microUSB port.
Monetization is converting something into legal tender. it is mostly converting an asset into money or legal tender. It refers to how developers use mobile as a medium to display advertisements and gain profit.
It is a tool that provides unique features for Android testing. It can apply one or more test suites across multiple devices.
Sensors able to detect motion. Accelerometers measure acceleration and tilt angle. Accelerometers are used in simple motion sensing applications such as changing screen of mobile devices from portrait to landscape.
It allows you to use different translated versions of the content. It provides support in different languages into the applications and offer user to view content in his choice of language.
It is an operating system that allows user to perform more than one task at a time. In mobile devices multitasking is to rapidly switch between multiple apps and to combine multiple source of information.
It is a version of a new product that offers a team to collect maximum amount of validated learning about customers.
It is an application program that has been developed to be used on particular platform or device. Native apps are written for specific platform so that they can take advantage of the operating system features. Native app is installed directly on the mobile device and developers have to create separate app version for each mobile device.
It is the process of monitoring and controlling the movement from one place to another. Navigation can help you find best places and information to get there.
Navigation is like the road map to all different areas and information within the phone or website. Navigation styles include dropdown menu, site map, navigation bar, Text links and breadcrumbs.
It enables two electronic devices one of which is a portable device such as a smartphone to communicate by bringing them within 4cm of each other.
When the user signs up for non-renewable subscription, user subscribes for a set period of time, such as for 1 month or 3 months. When the time gets over their access to the service or content ends and to continue the service they need to re-subscribe.
Non-consumable in-app products are the items that are available to all the users on their devices. These products are once purchased by user and do not expire or decrease with use. For example, content, such as books, game levels and additional app functionality.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure loyalty of user. It asks user to rate app on the scale of 1-10. Score of 9 or 10 are considered ‘promoters’, score of 6 or below are considered to be ‘ detractors’ and score of 7 and 8 are said to be ‘passives’.
It is an object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk Style messaging to the C programming language. Objective C is the language used by Apple and its developers to create iPhone, iPad and Mac apps.
OCR is Optical Character Recognition, it is electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
Application Cache allows a developer to specify which files the browser should cache and make available to offline user. The app will load and work perfectly even if the user is offline.
It is cross-language, cross-platform application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.
A system wherein general purpose cards such a Master card, American Express cards can be used where ever these cards are accepted.
It is a software whose source code is made available for use and modification.
It is a method by which user can avoid receiving push notification from an app.
It controls all the basic operations. It allows user to install and execute third-party applications. Most popular Operating System for mobile phones are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.
It refers to various methods of distributing new software, and even updating encryption keys to devices like mobile phones. OTA is like a central location that can send updates to all the users, allowing efficient and cost-effective method to update device’s operating system.
It is a new mobile app platform designed for creating iOS, Android, Windows phone and Web applications. Parse is based on Backend as a service (Baas) model and it includes native Software Development Kit (SDK) for every platform. The main purpose of Parse is to enable backend without need to actually build the backend.
It is the software development framework by Adobe System, used to develop mobile applications.
It is a sensor that let you determine the position of your device. They are useful in determining device’s physical position like it can show you how close the face of a device is to an object.
Progress bar is a graphical element to view progression of an operation such as a download, file transfer and installation.
To ensure the user’s privacy and safety as well as to protect the app developers’ commercial interests, Apple has created an elaborate process which requires each app to be digitally signed. A provisioning profile is one component of this signing process. To put it simply a provisioning profile determines if an app can be installed and run on a device. Appropriate provisioning profile must be present on the phone in order to install and run an app on that phone. For the developer there are 3 modes while creating iPhone apps: 1. Development mode: This uses a development provisioning profile. This provisioning profile specifies on which phones the app can run on. To enable your phone to run the development build, you need to provide the UDID of your phone to your developer. She will then include this UDID in the development provisioning profile and will send you a build which uses this provisioning profile. This build can then be installed and used on your phone. This also provide a great way to protect your app from casual hackers and competing startups, as they cannot install a run a build even if they manage to get their hands on one. One annoying limitation Apple has put on developers is that one development provisioning profile can only specify a maximum of 100 test devices. A build that uses development provisioning will work for 3 months (TODO: verify this) from the date of creation. 2. Ad Hoc distribution mode: This type of provisioning profile has all the advantages and limitation of the development provisioning profile, but the build that uses an ad hoc distribution provisioning profile will work for 1 year (TODO: verify this) from the date of creation. 3. App Store Provisioning Profile: This provisioning profile is used to create the final build which can be distributed via AppStore. The build which uses the App Store Provisioning profile can be installed only via AppStore. And will work forever (TODO: verify this).
Push notification is a way your server app can notify your users about an event when the user is not using the app. For example, What’s app sends push notifications when you receive a new message. A push notification is generally shown inside the notification center of the OS. Push notifications is a great way to keep the users more engaged with your app. In fact, it is the key strategy to reduce the churn rate of your application.
It is a service for sending and managing push notifications. Push notification doesn’t require any particular app to be opened on device. The device or smartphones can even receive social media or text messages even when the device is locked and also if the app pushing the notification is closed.
Pusher is a service that adds real-time data and functionality to the web and mobile applications. It acts as real-time layer between your server and your client’s server. As soon as your server has new data and if you want to push it to the client then this can be done through Pusher.
It involves monitoring and evaluation of various aspects of project making sure the project is completed on agreed specifications and requirements.
A software that enables live conversation between individuals by immediately displaying text message on the screen of the recipient.
It is the component of Android operating system for mobile devices. It allows developers to write greater amount of more complex code to increase performance of their applications.
Retina Display is a buzz word Apple uses to describe its high resolution displays which come with iPhones and iPads. Till iPhone 3 Apple used to have a display size of 320px by 480px. Since this is quite small, on the handheld devices, it used to create the blurry text, especially for smaller font sizes. With iPhone 4 Apple doubled the pixel size to 640px by 960px, but kept the physical size of the screen same. This enabled then to use twice the number of pixel in an inch of the physical screen. This produces very clear edges for small font sizes, making them much more readable. Now almost all iOS and Android devices come with displays which have comparable or better ppi (Pixel per Inch) specs than that of iPhone 4.
Rooting is the process of removing the limitations imposed by Google on Android devices. You have root access to your device. It is done to install unapproved apps, replace firmware, update the OS etc.
It’s a Bluetooth profile that allows GSM phone to share its SIM with another device of same type.
Screen size in mobile phone is the display size. Screen size is measured diagonally in inches, while the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen. Earlier mobile screen used to be 128×128 and today the biggest mobile screen size in 800×480.
Screens in Google Analytics presents content user are viewing more often within an app. It also monitors how user navigate between different pieces of content.
Screen shots are the most important thing when it comes to convince user to download or purchase an app. It captures your app screens into images. While selecting screenshots for your app, include screenshots in action, don’t just select random screen, try to select screens that presents core features of your app.
It is a type of memory card based on flash memory. The purpose of SD is to store and transfer data between computers and other digital products.
Software Development Kit (SDK) is the set of software development tools that helps to create application for certain software packages, operating systems, software framework etc.
It includes frameworks, tools and services that help developers to build amazing web application experiences using JavaScript and HTML5.
It is the period of time in which user actively engage with content. The default session in app is 30 seconds.
Shake detection functions as motion sensing and lets you browse the mobile by tilting device left, right or up and down.
It is a message protocol in web-services. It contains all the information about messages such as error details, data used to make sure that message is reliable.
It is a communications protocol for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as video, voice, chat and gaming.
Social media integration within the app can enhance app’s functionality. For example, mobile apps like Tinder and Instagram have social media platforms integrated in their setup. Social media integration can also enable other features in an app such as marking likes, recommending products to other users.
Splash screen is the introduction page or element consisting of a window containing image, a logo and current version of a software.
SQLite is a relational database which is created to run with as little resources as possible, so that it can be embedded inside other programs. SQLite comes pre bundled with Android and iOS so is a defect to choice to store the data locally inside an app.
This is one of the most misused terms when it comes to online video. Not all the videos which are hosted online can be termed as streaming videos. A streaming video is compressed and packaged with specific techniques (a lot of times called as codecs) so that it can be distributed online. While watching a streaming video the user can jump to any point on the video timeline and start the video playing from that point without downloading the video from the start till that point.
It is a simple plastic or metal stick in shape of thin pen with soft tip so that it does not damage screen of the phone.
Using Swift code developer setup In-app purchase feature in the application.
It is complete description of development process of any software system or mobile project as per the need of the client. It also includes data architecture and targeted platforms.
It is the part of testing. Test Provisioning Profiles are issued to non-developers or to those who are not the part of iOS development team allowing them to install and use the app, this help the developer or development team to test the application and make required changes before actually publishing it.
It is using third party creatives or tags by Ad networks. It integrates third party ad server to deliver an ad instead of using publisher ad server for uploading an ad. Third party ad server helps advertisers to know number of clicks associated with an ad, conversions resulting from an ad.
The images that can be sent to the mobile handsets to be scanned upon, redeem.
It shows how much time is user spending in your app. It shows how valuable your app is for user.
It is an open source mobile apps development framework by Appcelerator and licensed under Apache. It is based on JavaScript and entails HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It supports multiple platforms and includes API that has access to native-supporting features.
It is biometric fingerprint recognition feature introduced by Apple. Every time you unlock your phone using
Touch ID, scanning process is repeated and fingerprint is analyzed, if it matches the one already stored on the device then it unlocks the phone.
It is biometric fingerprint recognition feature designed by Apple. It allows user to unlock their devices and make purchase in App store, and authenticate Apple Pay online or in app.
It is a snippet of code that collects and sends data to Google Analytics from an app or website.
A neutral broker that sets up business agreements and technical connections with mobile network operators, phone manufacturers or other entities controlling mobile phones.
Gestures means type of physical action you take to open your phone or go to another screen. Type of Gestures include Tap, double tap, Tap and hold, Press, Press and hold, Pan, Flick, Pinch and stretch.
Each iPhone has a unique id which can be used to identify it. While creating a development build, this UDID needs to be included in the provisioning profile. Click here to find out how to find the UDID for your phone. (TODO: Add link)
Universal application is a software application that can run on any device.
UX is User Experience. It refers to the way user feels and behaves while using particular product, system or service.
Video Players are the software program to watch online videos or view videos saved locally. For example, Windows Media Player, VLC media player.
It is a way to connect to a private local area network using a public network, such as internet. It enables user to share and receive data across shared public networks. For example, VNP allow employees to get access to corporate intranet while travelling outside the office.
It is international standard for application that use wireless communication. WAP websites are now considered outdated as today mobile phones have web browsers with HTML support.
Wearables refer to electronic technology or devices that are in the form of accessories that can be worn on the body. For example, Google Glass, Smartwatch and Fitness device.
Web application is a client-server software application which the client runs in a web browser.
It is a service offered by an electronic device to other electronic device to communicate with each other via World Wide Web.
Webview is used to create hybrid mobile and desktop apps. Webview allows to build mobile apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS AND JavaScript.
These are the users that tend to spend lot on in-app purchase.
Wi-Fi peer-to-peer allows you to connect devices directly to each other via Wi-Fi without an intermediate access point. It can be useful for photo sharing app or multiplayer game.
It is a process of knowing how to create an app. it represents skeletal framework of mobile app or a website.
Also known as mobile operator. Wireless Carrier provide network infrastructure for use of a wireless device.
Xamarin is Microsoft-owned, San Francisco, California based company by engineers that created Mono, Mono for Android and MonoTouch cross-platforms. Developers can use Xamarin tools to write native Android, iOS and Windows apps with native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms.
It is complete toolset developed by Apple for developing software for OS X and iOS.
Xenon Flash produces white light for a very short duration. Some of the mobile phones also include xenon flash in their camera.
Microsoft XNA is freeware set of tools with a managed runtime environment by Microsoft. It is used to build and manage video games. XNA is based on .NET Framework.
So these were some terms you need to know while building a mobile product or an app. During any project you can refer to this glossary to guide you through the technical jargons. We hope this mobile app development glossary will be helpful for both new and old players’ in the business.
Sure, there is an Urban dictionary for slang, but if you want to start with mobile application development then you might find some terms confusing. Well, don’t worry here’s a mobile app development glossary to help you out.
Word and Definition
Bits refer to storage size. 64-bit is twice as many ‘bits’ as 32-bit. The main difference between 32-bit and 64-bit is that the 32-bit processor are capable of handling a limited amount of RAM, while 64-bit are capable of using much more.
Accelerometer is the device that measure acceleration, which is rate of change of the velocity of an object. They are useful for sensing vibrations in the systems. Accelerometer determine surroundings of an object. For example, smartphones rotate their display between portrait and landscape mode depending on how you tilt the phone.
Also known as App bar, action bar includes some interactive elements, it has access to some important action such as search, support navigation and includes drop-down list.
While navigating in and out of the app, the activity instances in your app transition between different apps in their lifecycle are their activity lifecycle.
Ad network mediation allows developers to integrate multiple ad platforms and manage them through dashboard. Developers can change the percentage of ads served from each platform to maximize the ad revenue. They can also prefer different ad platforms based on country or other customizable parameters.
It is any software application in which advertising banners are displayed in middle of the running program. The advertisement may appear during user interface on software or it is shown during the installation process.
Air Play is developed by Apple. Air Play lets you connect wirelessly what’s on your iOS device to your HDTV and Speakers via Apple TV. You can stream music, videos and photos.
It is a mobile printing solution in Apple SO X and iOS operating systems for printing via a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) to AirPrint compatible printers or non-compatible printers.
Fragments represent components of user interface in Android. It is a part of activity which enable more modular activity design. By combining multiple fragments in single activity multi-pane user interface can be build.
It is an API for scheduling various types of jobs or background task in the application’s own process. When application uploads user data that is not time sensitive or application can download information that is not urgent, in such a situation JobScheduler van help.
It is a toolset that enable you to implement parts of your app using native-code languages such as C and C++. It can help you reuse existing code libraries written in those languages.
Android Operating System (OS) is Linux-based platform by Google. End user can download applications with help of Android platform.
Android pay allows users to pay through their smartphones at any retail store that accepts any contactless payment. Android pay also lets you make in-app purchases. Android pay works only on Android devices that have an NFC chip.
APK Signing is done in order to upload compiled Android file (apk). The app can be signed in debug mode during development and release mode when the app is ready to be distributed.
It shows how user interact with an app. It includes series of connected in-app activities that lead to the ultimate action.
Every app deployed to the App Engine is identified by the Application ID and its version. Application ID for Android can be obtained from Google Developers Console, while Application ID for iOS can be created only in iOS developer portal.
It is restructuring of existing computer code without changing its intended function, it is done to improve its performance, it improves support for multiple mobile platform. The main purpose of refactoring the code is to make it modular and easier to maintain.
They provide guidelines and resources that outlines the technical, design and content used to review apps submitted by App store and Mac Store.
App Store Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app. It involves selecting keywords, achieving high user reviews. Increased visibility translates into more traffic in an app.
App update happens when developer offers new features in an app or change the look or design of an app. It keeps the content fresh and up-to-date. Whenever an app installed on your phone gets update, you will be notified.
App widgets is a small window or controller of an Android app that can be embedded in another application (such as the home screen). They allow user to control or use an app without actually launching it.
It allows mobile application administrator to set policy elements for application or group of applications. It includes things such as whether or not user authentication is required for particular app, whether copy and paste or file sharing options should be provided to the user.
When you want to release an iPhone app or a Mac app through Apple’s App Store, you need to register for Apple’s developer program. Apple Developer Accounts come in 2 flavors. 1. Regular developer account: This is used to distribute the consumer apps via AppStore. You can sell Virtual Goods as In App Purchases in a regular consumable app. 2. Enterprise Developer Account: If you are making an app which will be used only by the employees of your company and you don’t want the app to be available to common people via AppStore then you need to get an Enterprise Developer Account. Since enterprise apps are supposed to be used by the employees of a company, In App Purchases are not available to apps distributed via and Enterprise Developer Account.
Also known as iPhone OS is the mobile operating system developed by Apple.
Apple Passbook has potential to replace our wallets. Passbook is the location based service, when you buy any service from any iOS app, you will be given an option to add that service in your passbook. Now when you are close to the area where you need to use the service, you will be automatically notified by the passbook on your home screen.
It is a payment and digital wallet service by Apple to make payments. It lets mobile device make payments at contactless point of sale and in iOS apps. Apple device wirelessly communicates with point of sale systems using a near field communication antenna.
They are the collection of graphics, these icons have consistent color palette, have geometric shapes in big and small sizes. They are used for programs and applications like Android, iOS and Windows.
It is a framework for managing IT software applications and software-based services. It provides information on application’s age, how often it is used, cost to maintain application and its relation with other applications. These things help manager to decide on whether to keep the application, update it or replace it.
Creating a profile provision on iOS platform for particular app. provision contains two type of elements one is the app id and second is the list of devices (the list is only required in the case of development provision and not during app store submission).
AppStore is an online portal through which software programs are made available. Apple’s AppStore is apple’s online store for purchasing and downloading the software.
Swift programming uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) to track and manage application’s memory usage. ARC automatically frees up memory used by class instances when those instances are no longer in use or needed.
It is an application runtime environment used by android used by Android operating system. it comes with faster execution of application, improved memory allocation and garbage collection mechanisms.
It represents width-to-height ration of an image. it is more commonly used in mobile phone cameras.
It is a live, direct or indirect view of physical or real world whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, graphics, video or GPS data. It is integration of digital information with user’s environment in real-time.
It is used by server when server needs to know who is accessing information or site.
Auto renewable subscription is an in-app purchase for iOS that allows an app to provide content and feature for the set amount of time. Auto renewable subscription have ability to charge recurring fee over a set time period. Apple uses auto renewable subscription for newsstands and publications as they offer content on recurring basis rather than offering some additional features.
Amazon Web Service (AWS) is mobile app testing service for Android or Fire OS-based devices. To conduct the test, Developers upload their app on AWS Device Farm, configure the tests, select Android device and get the results of the test. It runs apps on actual device, this help to better simulate real world conditions.
Background services are the services that run in the background, without direct interaction with the user. These services are used for checking new data, data processing and indexing content.
It reflects all the missed calls, unread SMS, unread mails. As you go on viewing your missed calls, SMS and mails the badge count keeps on decreasing.
The iPhone uses badges to indicate new message, push notification, voicemail or email. Each app with the unread information has the number in the upper right hand corner of the app that is called badges. They warn users about unread emails, messages etc.
iBeacons and Beacons are often used interchangeably. iBeacon is the name for Apple’s technology standard which allows mobile apps to respond to the signals from beacons in the physical world.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices are designed to provide lower power consumption. This allows Android apps to connect and communicate with BLE devices such as heart rate monitor, fitness devices etc.
Bluetooth is used in printers that allow effortless and wireless printing. Bluetooth printing provides easier way to print without need of any physical connection. Some printers are Bluetooth compatible while other require adapters to connect printers to Bluetooth device.
It is a coding error in a computer program.
With the help of mobile credit card reader, you can make card payments right through your mobile phone. For example, Square, is a small box that plugs directly into audio jack, it includes slot for physical swiping of credit card, you need to download an app and with that smartphone and you will receive swiped information transmitted through sound waves into the phone.
Code-division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a technology for transmitting data. It offers single transmission channel for numerous signals.
Charts and Graphs are used to communicate messages clearly and effectively. They include pie charts, Venn diagrams, bar graphs, lone charts etc.
It is an annual percentage rate at which customers stop subscribing to a particular service.
Cloud application is the program that functions within the cloud. It has some characteristics of pure desktop app and some of pure Web app. Mobile cloud apps run on the server external to the mobile device and require use of a browser on the mobile device to display and use the app.
It manages library dependencies of your Xcode projects. The dependencies of the project are specified in the single text file called Podfile. Cocoa Pods resolve dependencies between libraries, fetch the source code and then link it in the Xcode workspace to build your project.
In-App purchase is used to sell content, in-app functionality and services. Consumable in-app product are the items that get used up over the course of running your app. For example, fish food in a fishing app could be implemented as a consumable product.
it is the standard interface that connects data in one process with the code running in another process.
It is used to manage model layer objects in the application. It allows data organized by relational entity to be serialized into XML, binary and SQLite stores.
Crash reporter often reports crash details such as types of crash, version of software and stack traces. With help of the crash details software developers diagnose and fix the problem causing the crash.
Cross platform apps are the mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows.
It is to develop mobile apps that can be used on multiple mobile platforms. It involves writing single codebase for app to be sent to many different native platforms.
Custom API Integration is process that allows program to connect and communicate with other programs. Most of the business use third party API integration to run their business operations. Developers can write custom application that integrates with third party API. Custom application includes designing of software for particular user or group of users.
It is customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for several Android devices. CyanogenMod offers various features that are not currently found in other Android versions.
It refers to locating and fixing the errors in a computer program.
Development certificate is used when developer wants to install app and test it using Xcode. Distribution certificate is required when you submit an
Device is compatible only if it can correctly run the app written for the operating system. For example, A device is ‘Android compatible’ if it can correctly run the apps written for the Android execution environment.
Device ID is a generic term used to describe the unique identifier each iOS or Android device has. On iOS this is also sometimes called as UDID.
Determining orientation is to report data indicating changes to the device in relation to the pull of gravity. For example, mobile phone use this information to rotate display as and when the device is rotated. Device orientation is sent when accelerometer detects changes to the orientation of the device.
It is an interactive system where user physically interact with the operating system offering user control. For example, resizing a graphical shape.
It is the hardware or software that enables one computer system called the host to behave like another computer system called the guest.
Encryption of data is conversion of electronic data into another form. It is done to protect digital data stored on computer system or transmitted via internet or other networks. Decryption of data is converting encoded data into the text that can be understood by the computer and normal person.
Enterprise Distribution can be done when an Apple developer enterprise program allows to develop proprietary, in-house apps that can be distributed to the employees.
Environment sensors in phone can sense temperature and air pollution and enable the phone to keep an eye on the state of the environment around you.
Some of the apps are date sensitive or their update is required to fix some bugs, in such a case Apple has enabled users to ask for an Expedited review. Apps that have permission for expedited review are first prioritized by Apple and goes through faster review process.
A simple phone used to make calls and send text messages. They do not have any advanced features such as email, GPS, internet etc.
It is one of the commonly used protocols to transfer data from one content to another through the internet.
Firebase is a real-time, scalable backend application platform. It allows developers to build rich and collaborative application using just client-side code. Applications built in Firebase remain responsive even when network connection is not available.
Fixed software programs that internally control various devices or hardware part of those devices such as mobile phones. They offer basic operations of device without which device will be non-functional.
Google keeps on upgrading Android. The updates are taken by phone manufacturers and then sent to the respective devices. But sometimes phone doesn’t get new update when it comes out. In such a situation you can force your phone to check for update using dialer and you sometime get the updates before the device normally would. But this method doesn’t always work if the update is not available for the device.
FPS is video resolution measured in time. For example, 24-30 fps is normal level for good picture quality.
It is the ratio of data received with errors to the total data received. If Frame Error Rate is high, then the connection may become poor or drop.
It is a combination of two words ‘free’ and ‘premium’. It is a model in which core product is given for free to the large group of users and premium products are sold to the smaller group of their user base. For example, Skype provides free computer to computer calling and sells all the premium products such as voicemail, worldwide connections to landline and mobile phones.
It is a concept to apply game-design elements and principles in the non-game context. It is done to engage and motivate and solve problems.
GCM is Google Cloud Messaging. It helps to send and receive from your server to user’s device. It enables developers to send notification data or information.
It is a feature in a software program that uses Global Positioning (GPS) or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to define geographical boundaries. Geofencing is used to send app users offers or messages when they enter certain range.
It is a payment service developed by Google that enables people to send and receive money from mobile device or desktop.
With Global Positioning System (GPS) Integration user can monitor location through Google, Yahoo and Baidu and other powerful GPS video monitoring platform to get real-time vehicle tracking, data inquiries, event feedback etc.
HTML5 is a framework to structure and present content on World Wide Web.
Hybrid mobile apps are developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript then Hybrid apps are hosted inside native application that provide access to native platform features such as camera, contacts, accelerometer etc.
Hybrid applications is the combination of both the native and web applications. Native applications are developed for specific platforms while web applications are developed for multiple platforms.
Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform some actions on it.
In App Purchase is the term Apple uses to describe virtual goods which can be sold from an app. Here are some examples of virtual goods: coins packs (virtual currency) that you can buy in a game or a subscription to magazine. There are four types of In App Purchases that you can sell in an iPhone App: 1. Consumable In App Purchase 2. Non-Consumable In App Purchase 3. Non-renewable subscription 4. Renewable subscription
It is a Google Play service that allows you to sell digital content from inside the applications. You can sell downloadable content such as media files and photos and also virtual content such as game levels, premium services etc.
In-app subscription lets you sell features, content in your app with automated, recurring billing. It also lets you offer trial period for monthly and annual subscription.
It is a messaging object that can be used to request an action from another app component. Intent facilitates communication between components.
With Interactive Notification user can directly interact with push or local notification without opening an application. iOS8, Android and Amazon provide push notification with additional buttons that allow users to interact with notifications. With Interactive notification user can take immediate or specific action, make decisions or choices and express preferences.
Interstitial Ads are the full screen ads that cover interface of the application. They are displayed at certain points in the application, such as between activities or during pause between different levels of games etc.
IoT is Internet of Things. it is the network of physical objects like vehicles, buildings and other objects embedded with software, sensors and network connectivity that enable these objects to exchange data.
Iteration is repeating of the process. Either to generate sequence of outcomes or to achieve the desired results.
It is a process of removing software restrictions imposed by iOS on devices running it through the use of software exploits. It permits root access to iOS file system.
Java Native Interface (JNI) is programming framework for writing Java native methods and embedding Java virtual machine into native application.
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard format that uses readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs.
It is a way of measuring how well the app is meeting the business goals.
Mostly used for iOS platform. Keychain stores coded information used for various services and applications.
A common term for Launch Images is a splash screen. It’s the branding screen that is shown to the user when the app is starting. Since different generations iPhones and iPads have different screen resolutions, you need to package multiple versions of launch images in your app, each having a size that matches the resolution of the device your supports. If your app supports landscape as well as the portrait mode, you need to provide different launch images each mode for the each resolution you want to support.
Live Chat is a service that allows business or individual to communicate in real time with the visitors. It is used to provide immediate customer support.
Local notification is a local counterpart of a Push notification. To send local notification you don’t need a server. Local notification is a lot like a reminder. For example, if you are creating a ToDos app, without a server side component, you can use local notifications to remind the user of the ToDos.
It is service based information about physical location of user or device. For example, location of nearest restaurant or hotels, vehicle tracking etc.
Material design is a guide for visual, motion and interaction design across the platforms and devices.
Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a security software that deals with securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices. It secures mobile devices within the enterprise. MDM is a way to ensure that employees stay productive and do not breach corporate policies.
Mobile Analytics measure full value of your app. With the help of Mobile Analytics, you can measure app usage and app revenue. For example Google analytics for mobile apps, Amazon mobile analytics, Flurry Analytics for mobile apps.
It is an application that lets you deliver your mobile application content.
An application that helps you manage, deliver and update mobile app content.
It is a web browser designed for mobile devices. Web browsers available for mobile devices include Opera and ThunderHawk.
It includes products and services that enable development of mobile applications. It supports multiple mobile device without need to generate separate code.
It is industry standard for mobile audio/video interface that allows users to connect electronic devices to the High-Definition Televisions (HDTVs) or audio receivers.
It enables mobile devices to output HD video, audio and 3D content on other external screens over existing format of microUSB port.
Monetization is converting something into legal tender. it is mostly converting an asset into money or legal tender. It refers to how developers use mobile as a medium to display advertisements and gain profit.
It is a tool that provides unique features for Android testing. It can apply one or more test suites across multiple devices.
Sensors able to detect motion. Accelerometers measure acceleration and tilt angle. Accelerometers are used in simple motion sensing applications such as changing screen of mobile devices from portrait to landscape.
It allows you to use different translated versions of the content. It provides support in different languages into the applications and offer user to view content in his choice of language.
It is an operating system that allows user to perform more than one task at a time. In mobile devices multitasking is to rapidly switch between multiple apps and to combine multiple source of information.
It is a version of a new product that offers a team to collect maximum amount of validated learning about customers.
It is an application program that has been developed to be used on particular platform or device. Native apps are written for specific platform so that they can take advantage of the operating system features. Native app is installed directly on the mobile device and developers have to create separate app version for each mobile device.
It is the process of monitoring and controlling the movement from one place to another. Navigation can help you find best places and information to get there.
Navigation is like the road map to all different areas and information within the phone or website. Navigation styles include dropdown menu, site map, navigation bar, Text links and breadcrumbs.
It enables two electronic devices one of which is a portable device such as a smartphone to communicate by bringing them within 4cm of each other.
When the user signs up for non-renewable subscription, user subscribes for a set period of time, such as for 1 month or 3 months. When the time gets over their access to the service or content ends and to continue the service they need to re-subscribe.
Non-consumable in-app products are the items that are available to all the users on their devices. These products are once purchased by user and do not expire or decrease with use. For example, content, such as books, game levels and additional app functionality.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure loyalty of user. It asks user to rate app on the scale of 1-10. Score of 9 or 10 are considered ‘promoters’, score of 6 or below are considered to be ‘ detractors’ and score of 7 and 8 are said to be ‘passives’.
It is an object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk Style messaging to the C programming language. Objective C is the language used by Apple and its developers to create iPhone, iPad and Mac apps.
OCR is Optical Character Recognition, it is electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
Application Cache allows a developer to specify which files the browser should cache and make available to offline user. The app will load and work perfectly even if the user is offline.
It is cross-language, cross-platform application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.
A system wherein general purpose cards such a Master card, American Express cards can be used where ever these cards are accepted.
It is a software whose source code is made available for use and modification.
It is a method by which user can avoid receiving push notification from an app.
It controls all the basic operations. It allows user to install and execute third-party applications. Most popular Operating System for mobile phones are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.
It refers to various methods of distributing new software, and even updating encryption keys to devices like mobile phones. OTA is like a central location that can send updates to all the users, allowing efficient and cost-effective method to update device’s operating system.
It is a new mobile app platform designed for creating iOS, Android, Windows phone and Web applications. Parse is based on Backend as a service (Baas) model and it includes native Software Development Kit (SDK) for every platform. The main purpose of Parse is to enable backend without need to actually build the backend.
It is the software development framework by Adobe System, used to develop mobile applications.
It is a sensor that let you determine the position of your device. They are useful in determining device’s physical position like it can show you how close the face of a device is to an object.
Progress bar is a graphical element to view progression of an operation such as a download, file transfer and installation.
To ensure the user’s privacy and safety as well as to protect the app developers’ commercial interests, Apple has created an elaborate process which requires each app to be digitally signed. A provisioning profile is one component of this signing process. To put it simply a provisioning profile determines if an app can be installed and run on a device. Appropriate provisioning profile must be present on the phone in order to install and run an app on that phone. For the developer there are 3 modes while creating iPhone apps: 1. Development mode: This uses a development provisioning profile. This provisioning profile specifies on which phones the app can run on. To enable your phone to run the development build, you need to provide the UDID of your phone to your developer. She will then include this UDID in the development provisioning profile and will send you a build which uses this provisioning profile. This build can then be installed and used on your phone. This also provide a great way to protect your app from casual hackers and competing startups, as they cannot install a run a build even if they manage to get their hands on one. One annoying limitation Apple has put on developers is that one development provisioning profile can only specify a maximum of 100 test devices. A build that uses development provisioning will work for 3 months (TODO: verify this) from the date of creation. 2. Ad Hoc distribution mode: This type of provisioning profile has all the advantages and limitation of the development provisioning profile, but the build that uses an ad hoc distribution provisioning profile will work for 1 year (TODO: verify this) from the date of creation. 3. App Store Provisioning Profile: This provisioning profile is used to create the final build which can be distributed via AppStore. The build which uses the App Store Provisioning profile can be installed only via AppStore. And will work forever (TODO: verify this).
Push notification is a way your server app can notify your users about an event when the user is not using the app. For example, What’s app sends push notifications when you receive a new message. A push notification is generally shown inside the notification center of the OS. Push notifications is a great way to keep the users more engaged with your app. In fact, it is the key strategy to reduce the churn rate of your application.
It is a service for sending and managing push notifications. Push notification doesn’t require any particular app to be opened on device. The device or smartphones can even receive social media or text messages even when the device is locked and also if the app pushing the notification is closed.
Pusher is a service that adds real-time data and functionality to the web and mobile applications. It acts as real-time layer between your server and your client’s server. As soon as your server has new data and if you want to push it to the client then this can be done through Pusher.
It involves monitoring and evaluation of various aspects of project making sure the project is completed on agreed specifications and requirements.
A software that enables live conversation between individuals by immediately displaying text message on the screen of the recipient.
It is the component of Android operating system for mobile devices. It allows developers to write greater amount of more complex code to increase performance of their applications.
Retina Display is a buzz word Apple uses to describe its high resolution displays which come with iPhones and iPads. Till iPhone 3 Apple used to have a display size of 320px by 480px. Since this is quite small, on the handheld devices, it used to create the blurry text, especially for smaller font sizes. With iPhone 4 Apple doubled the pixel size to 640px by 960px, but kept the physical size of the screen same. This enabled then to use twice the number of pixel in an inch of the physical screen. This produces very clear edges for small font sizes, making them much more readable. Now almost all iOS and Android devices come with displays which have comparable or better ppi (Pixel per Inch) specs than that of iPhone 4.
Rooting is the process of removing the limitations imposed by Google on Android devices. You have root access to your device. It is done to install unapproved apps, replace firmware, update the OS etc.
It’s a Bluetooth profile that allows GSM phone to share its SIM with another device of same type.
Screen size in mobile phone is the display size. Screen size is measured diagonally in inches, while the resolution is the number of pixels on the screen. Earlier mobile screen used to be 128×128 and today the biggest mobile screen size in 800×480.
Screens in Google Analytics presents content user are viewing more often within an app. It also monitors how user navigate between different pieces of content.
Screen shots are the most important thing when it comes to convince user to download or purchase an app. It captures your app screens into images. While selecting screenshots for your app, include screenshots in action, don’t just select random screen, try to select screens that presents core features of your app.
It is a type of memory card based on flash memory. The purpose of SD is to store and transfer data between computers and other digital products.
Software Development Kit (SDK) is the set of software development tools that helps to create application for certain software packages, operating systems, software framework etc.
It includes frameworks, tools and services that help developers to build amazing web application experiences using JavaScript and HTML5.
It is the period of time in which user actively engage with content. The default session in app is 30 seconds.
Shake detection functions as motion sensing and lets you browse the mobile by tilting device left, right or up and down.
It is a message protocol in web-services. It contains all the information about messages such as error details, data used to make sure that message is reliable.
It is a communications protocol for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as video, voice, chat and gaming.
Social media integration within the app can enhance app’s functionality. For example, mobile apps like Tinder and Instagram have social media platforms integrated in their setup. Social media integration can also enable other features in an app such as marking likes, recommending products to other users.
Splash screen is the introduction page or element consisting of a window containing image, a logo and current version of a software.
SQLite is a relational database which is created to run with as little resources as possible, so that it can be embedded inside other programs. SQLite comes pre bundled with Android and iOS so is a defect to choice to store the data locally inside an app.
This is one of the most misused terms when it comes to online video. Not all the videos which are hosted online can be termed as streaming videos. A streaming video is compressed and packaged with specific techniques (a lot of times called as codecs) so that it can be distributed online. While watching a streaming video the user can jump to any point on the video timeline and start the video playing from that point without downloading the video from the start till that point.
It is a simple plastic or metal stick in shape of thin pen with soft tip so that it does not damage screen of the phone.
Using Swift code developer setup In-app purchase feature in the application.
It is complete description of development process of any software system or mobile project as per the need of the client. It also includes data architecture and targeted platforms.
It is the part of testing. Test Provisioning Profiles are issued to non-developers or to those who are not the part of iOS development team allowing them to install and use the app, this help the developer or development team to test the application and make required changes before actually publishing it.
It is using third party creatives or tags by Ad networks. It integrates third party ad server to deliver an ad instead of using publisher ad server for uploading an ad. Third party ad server helps advertisers to know number of clicks associated with an ad, conversions resulting from an ad.
The images that can be sent to the mobile handsets to be scanned upon, redeem.
It shows how much time is user spending in your app. It shows how valuable your app is for user.
It is an open source mobile apps development framework by Appcelerator and licensed under Apache. It is based on JavaScript and entails HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. It supports multiple platforms and includes API that has access to native-supporting features.
It is biometric fingerprint recognition feature introduced by Apple. Every time you unlock your phone using
Touch ID, scanning process is repeated and fingerprint is analyzed, if it matches the one already stored on the device then it unlocks the phone.
It is biometric fingerprint recognition feature designed by Apple. It allows user to unlock their devices and make purchase in App store, and authenticate Apple Pay online or in app.
It is a snippet of code that collects and sends data to Google Analytics from an app or website.
A neutral broker that sets up business agreements and technical connections with mobile network operators, phone manufacturers or other entities controlling mobile phones.
Gestures means type of physical action you take to open your phone or go to another screen. Type of Gestures include Tap, double tap, Tap and hold, Press, Press and hold, Pan, Flick, Pinch and stretch.
Each iPhone has a unique id which can be used to identify it. While creating a development build, this UDID needs to be included in the provisioning profile. Click here to find out how to find the UDID for your phone. (TODO: Add link)
Universal application is a software application that can run on any device.
UX is User Experience. It refers to the way user feels and behaves while using particular product, system or service.
Video Players are the software program to watch online videos or view videos saved locally. For example, Windows Media Player, VLC media player.
It is a way to connect to a private local area network using a public network, such as internet. It enables user to share and receive data across shared public networks. For example, VNP allow employees to get access to corporate intranet while travelling outside the office.
It is international standard for application that use wireless communication. WAP websites are now considered outdated as today mobile phones have web browsers with HTML support.
Wearables refer to electronic technology or devices that are in the form of accessories that can be worn on the body. For example, Google Glass, Smartwatch and Fitness device.
Web application is a client-server software application which the client runs in a web browser.
It is a service offered by an electronic device to other electronic device to communicate with each other via World Wide Web.
Webview is used to create hybrid mobile and desktop apps. Webview allows to build mobile apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS AND JavaScript.
These are the users that tend to spend lot on in-app purchase.
Wi-Fi peer-to-peer allows you to connect devices directly to each other via Wi-Fi without an intermediate access point. It can be useful for photo sharing app or multiplayer game.
It is a process of knowing how to create an app. it represents skeletal framework of mobile app or a website.
Also known as mobile operator. Wireless Carrier provide network infrastructure for use of a wireless device.
Xamarin is Microsoft-owned, San Francisco, California based company by engineers that created Mono, Mono for Android and MonoTouch cross-platforms. Developers can use Xamarin tools to write native Android, iOS and Windows apps with native user interfaces and share code across multiple platforms.
It is complete toolset developed by Apple for developing software for OS X and iOS.
Xenon Flash produces white light for a very short duration. Some of the mobile phones also include xenon flash in their camera.
Microsoft XNA is freeware set of tools with a managed runtime environment by Microsoft. It is used to build and manage video games. XNA is based on .NET Framework.
So these were some terms you need to know while building a mobile product or an app. During any project you can refer to this glossary to guide you through the technical jargons. We hope this mobile app development glossary will be helpful for both new and old players’ in the business.