As we can predict, quarter of the entire world’s e-marketer would be taking business assistance from smartphones in this year while till 2018, it will rise up to 2.56 billion. This is almost, around 33% of the world’s populace; tech gadgets have now turned into a piece of one’s life and lifeblood of workplaces. In this period, of smartphone empowered world, a mobile application is the thing that a business requires, for its working environments and its employees.

enterprise app development

Employees, in this digital era and technological driven workplace, possess at least 3 gadgets in a day. The world has gone technology savvy, which has, as already mentioned, a great effect on workplaces. In the coming year, it is likely to increase by almost double. As an instance, you can take IoT (Internet of Things), wearable devices, etc.

In many organizations, projects are completely dependent on tech gadgets, therefore employees get freedom to select their own tools that could be specific device, methods, apps, etc, to sheer their assigned projects.

A company can bag a lot of benefits from an enterprise app. A survey has revealed that the enterprise mobile app brings a breakthrough in employee’s output by more than thirty four percent.Check more stats given by Three Roots Studios, in its blog How an enterprise mobile app would benefit your business, on how enterprise app has impacted different workplaces, positively.

Dynamic Leap mentions how enterprise mobile app is taking over the popularity of consumer mobile apps, in its blog Enterprise Mobile Apps Will Surpass Consumer Apps in 2016 – Here Is Why.It described enterprise mobile app as “a whole new class” of mobile apps.

In fact, the IDC has predicted that the development of enterprise mobile applications would be double as they were in the year 2015. Therefore, in this point, we need to know, what makes enterprise mobile app remarkable and significant? Why enterprises require a mobile app? Let’s check:

How important are Enterprise apps?

Enterprise mobile application assists in smooth work and higher productivity. Hence, it makes the enterprise more deftly. These may come in the shape off-the-shelf independent software vendor (ISV) application, in-house apps, etc. that are created as per the company’s work-culture and need.

It helps in streamlining all the complex affair of the organization, boosts coordination and synchronization between different departments and most essentially it aid in shielding the important data from mishandling. says, how it functions magnificently in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) employed enterprises, in one of its blogs Mobile App Management: Why You Need an Enterprise app store. Dropbox is one of those apps, with which you would have the risk of leakage of important and confidential data, data malware, virus attack, etc.

In BYOD environ, there is a possibility of employees getting distracted or data becoming vulnerable, as the employees here, since they carry their own personal devices, have the autonomy to download any app they feel like! Now, with enterprise mobile, the company can integrate the cell phone of its employee, as per its choice.

Organization can be put restriction on their devices, on the basis of time and location on certain applications, like social media apps, games, etc. Therefore, the work location would become ‘noise-free’ by using an enterprise mobile app. In this way, any company that has mobile apps, can bring the need of Mobile Application Management (MAM) into the enterprise, and thusly, it helps in controlling the BYOD employees activities, lock it remotely when required and recover or wipe the data from the stolen or lost gadgets.

What are the needs of Enterprise apps?

1 Secure corporate information


As mentioned before, it backs BYOD environment. It’s very challenging for every organization to secure every single bit of corporate information, especially on its employees’ personal devices.Gartner once predicted that 20% of BYOD projects will run short, for IT is attempting to execute MDM solutions which are excessively tight and strict.

With flexibility yet with strict approach implies on devices for security check. With ‘geo-fencing’ applied on personal gadgets, no disruptive mobile apps are allowed at workplace.

2 Work without Internet connection


No worries if you’re offline or far from the reach of internet connectivity, you can still have the access to corporate data through enterprise apps. The enterprise mobile app maintains a backup of data and serves you as and when required, even when you’re offline. It accumulates the data in the cloud. Hence, not a single corporate data ever gets mishandled or lost.

3 Widen the parameters of enterprise mobility:

Finally, what’s the ultimate goal, to gain profitability? Definitely yes, and It can be achieved through enterprise mobility, by widening its parameters across the enterprise. Although, it pushes the output but due to a number of regulatory and logistical grounds, a gadget-based way to deal with mobile security simply isn’t possible, as anyone from or outside the organization won’t give your enterprise control over their tech gadgets like smartphones or tabs, etc.

Hence, organization can only expand their enterprise and enjoy the advantage of its mobility when its data as well as the apps are secured and free of any sort of control.

4 Gadgets and cross platforms interoperability:


The most important feature an enterprise app should possess is it must have a robust interoperability across cross platforms, applications and other essential gadgets. This would allow having a seamless work management and dissemination of data and information.

The enterprise app must support work on each of the mobile operating system, be it Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows,other smartphone platforms. Mobile platforms compatibility is important as it let you have smooth development process of mobile app. Whilst keeping up the IT security standards, develop a strong back-end backing for essential apps like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), etc.

5 Integration as per role assigned

Dissemination of information and data as per the designation and roles of the employees is one best feature of an enterprise mobile app. The employee’s gadgets must be designed to receive secured information and business applications according to his/her profile and responsibility, or project assignment in the enterprise.

6Accomplish your projects faster than ever

Intranets have offered co-associates, assistance for working quicker yet more effectively. They give a techie environ to the employees to get data on all that they have to carry out their employments. Nobody, however, till date haven’t offered a guarantee that Intranets are dependably the speediest mean of communication.

Essentially, Internets put all organization data in one spot, it makes it more arduous to do specific projects. Obviously, you would prefer not to separate your Intranet into particular destinations for specific groups – this would, definitely discourage the motive of Intranet.

Nonetheless, mobile applications do mean, particular groups can get data they need in a much speedier way, without logging into the general Intranet and explore to the page they require. By having a particular application specifically available from their cell phone, workers cut out a considerable measure of the (off-putting) disarray of associating with the organization’s desktop-composed Intranet through mobile and navigating them to the require tool. Hence, a mobile application makes this much speedier and conserve ample amount of time.

7Enhances your workflows


If you imply a ‘mobile-first’ in your enterprise, you would definitely tap an active button to your routine work. With obvious reason, mobile app smoothes and enhances the workflow. Mobile applications mean workers can finish their “progressions” in the chain, all the more rapidly and smartly, regardless of time and location.

Let’s assume you’re the finance head and need to check a receipt/voucher before it’s sent. A mobile application would give you a chance to immediately open up the report and favor the receipt while you’re on lunch, in a meeting, etc. When you have an enterprise application, you needn’t essentially have to be at your work area for every single task.

Enterprise Mobile app trends, 2016

Let’s take a quick glance over what 2016 has brought already or about to bring for us.
Bob Egan, a CRO (Chief Research Officer, Sepharim Research) says mobile security standards are still the primary concern. In 2016, we’re going to have some of the best apps that would help in smoothening up the workflow. These apps would be duly collaborated with IoT.

Eddie Lockhart, quoted some of the enterprise mobile app trends, 2016, right from the horse’s mouth, in a blog Experts predict 2016 enterprise mobility trends.

Following and making sufficient applications or complete data analysis will, undoubtedly, a need in 2016. It will enhance the decision making procedure in coming days, by having knowledge of work and employee performance. The mobile application developers will concentrate more on including application bits of knowledge with takeaways. The trends, that are new, have already started setting their effective examples. Hence, we have a lot to see in this year.

As the concept enterprise application expands through its new trends, the IT leaders will have new chances to conserve money while meeting basic requisites of business. The enterprise mobile application store will likewise give an effective intends to get the most upgraded mobile applications for the entire management team and employees of the enterprise. This year, the BOYD strategy will get a boost as we would be witnessing the best use of enterprise mobility.

Author’s Bio

Ravindra Waghmare

Ravindra Waghmare is the Co-founder and COO at Mobisoft Infotech. He is an expert in solutioning,software consultancy, process definition and improvements, business analysis,and project execution. He has 11+ years of experience in software development,consulting, delivery, company operations, talent acquisition, processes and sales.