Daily office commute has become a worldwide problem. While technology has brought the world closer, people still find it a challenge to travel to and from work on an everyday basis. Crowded buses, suffocating compartments, sweaty weather and a slow to almost never moving traffic! Snaking your way through all these and still reaching fresh and cheerful to office is a taxing task. In addition, it is very difficult to almost immediately start working upon reaching office after a hectic travel. This is one of the reasons companies have started adopting dedicated shuttle services for their employees.

Providing shuttle services have some very practical benefits. Typically, they start from easy to access landmarks like bus stops where employees are likely to gather for pickup. Employees are picked up from the specified landmark and dropped back after work at the same place. This is a convenient option for the employees as it eases out the stress on them. Providing shuttle services is now a widely accepted phenomenon since both employees and employers alike see the benefits in this. The environmental benefits are very obvious- lesser cars burning fuel, space availability in parking lots, lesser crowding on the streets. Studies show that ailments like high blood pressure, cholesterol, anxiety, and depression are associated with driving through the traffic day in and day out.
Reason#1: Employee Well-Being and Productivity
Most shuttles pick and drop employees outside major bus depots, metros, etc. There are also some shuttle services that even pick-up and drop employees right at their doorstep. Providing such a shuttle reduces the employee’s traveling stress to a great extent. They are spared from driving through the traffic, missing work and health claims and getting delayed for office due to unexpected traffic snarls. Shuttles also provide employees with the opportunity to prepare themselves for the day ahead at the office. They get a chance to relax, check their e-mails, plan the day ahead, catch up on the news and rest for a while. This preparatory stage will help them transition to the work mode much faster once at the office which may not be so otherwise.
Reason #2: Punctuality
Often, owing to the peak hour traffic, people get delayed to the office. In addition, driving through the jams, waiting at signals can drive you really crazy at times. Getting delayed at traffic junctions and missing and reaching late to office affects the work schedules and deadlines. Shuttles spare the employees from driving in traffic and make productive use of their time. Needless to say, employees using shuttle service find it easier to reach their workplace in time. This increases the enthusiasm to work among employees. There is an increased energy within the team and a well-connected sense of teamwork.
Reason #3: Cost Savings
Commuters spend a good part of their income commuting to their workplace and back. On an average, they spend 20% of their income and at least two hours a day in commuting. Providing shuttle services would reduce the cost and make the employee transportation management experience better. Shuttles are less expensive alternatives- while they have the ability to extend mileage. For the employer, it is less expensive than cab alternates and reimbursements. In addition, the parking space rent gets reduced. It is the employer who pays for the parking facility used by the employees at the office. Providing shuttles simply mean lesser employee vehicles and hence reduced parking rents.
Reason #4: Reputation
Introducing a company shuttle is a major attraction for prospective candidates. While looking for employment, in addition to the salary package, other points they consider are the mode of travel, distance to be traveled, timing, etc. In other words, they look at the distance of the office from their place of residence and time taken to travel. If the company provides a shuttle service, then the prospective employee can be much more relaxed about daily commute. Chances of losing a very good, talented employee get reduced in that case even if the workplace is slightly farther than expected for the prospective employee. Having a commute facility benefits the employees since it saves their money on vehicle and fuel. In addition to this, the organization becomes a ‘great’ workplace to work in- one that cares about their employees’ well-being and convenience.
Reason #5: Stronger Bond
In these competitive times, it is a challenge to work in a team. There are heavy workloads and deadlines to meet. One of the best ways to keep a team healthy is to let the teammates spend some casual time together. Travelling together can be a great way to encourage interaction amongst coworkers. It helps build team spirit since the employees are able to know each other better. They are more connected as they spend time outside their work sphere as well. This helps them build a bond that fosters teamwork.
Reason #6: Environmental Benefits
The environmental benefits of having a shuttle service are tremendous. For example, there are a hundred employees working in an office and all hundred of them drive to work in their private vehicles. This simply means more air pollution. Statistically, it is proven that private vehicles contribute to 60% of carbon dioxide emissions while buses contribute to 20% of the emissions. Therefore, using shuttle services are more beneficial since they contribute less to pollution.
How Can An Employee Shuttle Service App Be A Great Solution?
In this fast-paced world of technology, almost every professional prefers the use of a mobile-based application for tasks ranging from hiring a cab to even shopping for their daily needs. Services like Ola and Lyft have also introduced mobile-based applications for providing shuttle services to and from people’s workplaces. However, they are more of a generalized platform. For example, they provide shuttles only up to a certain location and not necessarily to the doorstep of the workplace. Having a fully dedicated company shuttle service app for the employees of an organization can offer a much more personalized experience and provide a better return on your investment with a custom shuttle service app development.
- Tailored to your organization’s needs.
- Add custom features.
- Integrate with your company’s sign-in system.
- More..
Wrapping Up!!
Employee shuttle services can bring numerous benefits to a business as mentioned above. Mobile technology can play a pivotal role in a running a successful shuttle service. If your company is interested in launching a dedicated shuttle service app for your employees and need help with the app’s development, do check out our customizable shuttle service app development solution.
Author’s Bio

Nitin Lahoti is the Co-Founder and Director at Mobisoft Infotech. He has 12+ years of experience in Design, Business Development and Startups. His expertise is in Product Ideation, UX/UI design, Startup consulting and mentoring. He prefers business readings and loves traveling. Follow him @nitinlahoti